Friday, March 30, 2012

Windows Phone 7 – Images required for Marketplace submission

Microsoft recently published a document indicating all the things you need to do with your app to ensure it can be accepted into the marketplace.
Scattered across the document are image requirements for your application and its submission to the marketplace. I thought it worth putting these in one place so you can see the design work required. All images are required in png format.
Update: If you are making  a ‘game’, regardless of whether or not it is utilising XBox Live, it should be prepped to enter into the Games Hub. This is pretty late breaking news as far as I’m concerned and nowhere is it mentioned outside of this blog post. I’ve had confirmation from Microsoft that this needs to be done.
62*62 – Should be within your application, used for the application list on the phone. (for non game apps only!)
173*173 – Should be within your application, used for the games hub application icon on the phone. (for games only!)
173*173 – Should be within your application, used for the start screen tile image on the phone
99 * 99 – Submitted as part of the marketplace submission process, a small icon for representation on the marketplace
173 * 173 – Submitted as part of the marketplace submission process, a larger icon for more prominent representation on the marketplace
1000 * 800 – Submitted as part of the marketplace submission process, a full blown panorama image if your app is lucky enough to be featured
480 * 800 *  Submitted as part of the marketplace submission process, 1- 8 screen shots of your application