Friday, November 11, 2011

WPF Dashboard - Chris Han

WPF Dashboard
                            Attached to this blog post is a zip file containing the source code for this demo. A few caveats: 1) I didn’t include the video clip due to size, so you may want to add your own video to your project. Under the widgets folder in VideoReport.xaml you can change the Source property of the MediaElement to point to your new video. 2) I did use static screen shots for the previews of both the flow and fixed document. I didn’t think it’d make much sense for users to read a document in that thumbnail preview and it would have been a big perf hit to have a live preview of full length documents. 3) This is demo code :) so there may be some unpolished areas.

To start coding with WPF you’ll need the following:

If you have Vista Beta2 then you’ll just need:
-Visual Studio 2005

If you’re using XP you’ll also need to download the WinFX (.net 3.0) runtime, it’ about a 25 meg download.

If you’re at TechEd, I’ll be at the WPF station in the blue Technical Learning Center near the labs if you have any questions.

Courtesy - Chris Han

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