Saturday, November 24, 2012



Using Visual Studio 2010 Team Explorer
Step 1: Open Visual Studio 2010.

Step 2: Go to View > Team Explorer

Step 3: Team Explorer > Connect to Team Project

Step 4:  Connect to Server

Step 5: Add TFS Server (if required)

Step 6: Select a Collection from Team Project Collections

Step 7: Click Connect

Step 8:  Team Explorer would be connected with the Collection you selected

Step 9: To Add Team Project into the Collection selected – Right Click on Collection in Team Explorer > Select New Team Project

Step 10: Enter Team Project Name & Description of Project (optional)

Step 11: Click Next > Select from the list Process Template to create Team Project

            Default selected is MSF for Agile Software Development v5.0

Step 12: Click Next > Select an Empty Source Control Folder option

Step 13: Click Next > Click Finish to create Project in TFS inside Project Collection selected

Step 14: Final Output in Team Explorer

            Team Explorer should be shown with the Project Name (in my case DemoProject) with Work Items, Reports (if configured on server), Builds & Source Control Section.

Step 15: Double Click on Source Control

            Following should be the Default Structure on Clicking on Source Control.

Step 16:
a.      a. If you have Project which is already created but not in TFS follow below steps

Step 1: Open Project (needed to be added into TFS) in VS 2010

Step 2: Right Click Solution > Click Add Solution to Source Control

Step 3: Select the Team Project Location from the Window that Pop ups

Step 4: In Section “Type a name for Solution Folder” type “SourceCode” to create a Folder “SourceCode” at the same level at BuildProcessTemplate

             “SourceCode” folder needs to be created to keep all Project files in single directory inside a Project Folder. This is an Option Step just to manage your Source Code.

Step 5: Click Ok > Final Output should be as below

Step 6: Right Click on SourceCode Folder > Checkin Pending Changes inorder to commit changes from local folder to TFS Server

Step 7: Write an comments if required and Check In

Step 8: Right Click on SourceCode Folder > Remove Mapping

             This is an important step as this is required to remove any mappings or any reference that is from local machine to TFS Server. Once done with this any other user can do mapping of this project on their local machine.

Remove Mapping > Yes

a.   b.  If creating a New Project follow below steps

Step 1: While creating a project check on the option Add Solution to Source Control

Step 2: Select the Team Project Location from the Window that Pop ups

Step 3: In Section “Type a name for Solution Folder” type “SourceCode” to create a Folder “SourceCode” at the same level at BuildProcessTemplate

            “SourceCode” folder needs to be created to keep all Project files in single directory inside a Project Folder. This is an Option Step just to manage your Source Code.

Step 4: Click Ok > Final Output should be as below

Step 5: Right Click on SourceCode Folder > Checkin Pending Changes inorder to commit changes from local folder to TFS Server

Step 6: Write an comments if required and Check In

Step 7: Right Click on SourceCode Folder > Remove Mapping

           This is an important step as this is required to remove any mappings or any reference that is from local machine to TFS Server. Once done with this any other user can do mapping of this project on their local machine.

Remove Mapping > Yes

Final Output:

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