Saturday, December 22, 2012



Step 1: Open Visual Studio 2010.

Step 2: Go to View > Team Explorer

Step 3: Team Explorer > Connect to Team Project

Step 4:  Connect to Server

Step 5: Add TFS Server (if required)

Step 6: Select a Collection from Team Project Collections

Step 7: Click Connect

Step 8:  Team Explorer would be connected with the Collection you selected

Step 9: To Add Team Project into the Collection selected – Right Click on Collection in Team Explorer > Select New Team Project

Step 10: Enter Team Project Name & Description of Project (optional)

Step 11: Click Next > Select from the list Process Template to create Team Project

            Default selected is MSF for Agile Software Development v5.0

Step 12: Click Next > Select an Empty Source Control Folder option

Step 13: Click Next > Click Finish to create Project in TFS inside Project Collection selected

Step 14: Final Output in Team Explorer

                 Team Explorer should be shown with the Project Name (in my case DemoProject) with Work Items, Reports (if configured on server), Builds & Source Control Section.

Step 15: Double Click on Source Control

            Following should be the Default Structure on Clicking on Source Control.

Step 16: Go to File > New > Project

Step 17: Select Template Database on left side > SQL Server > SQL Server 2008 Database Project

                At Bottom Right Select Add to Source Control > Ok (required to add code into source control TFS)

Step 18: Select Team Project into which you need to add the code

                Name a directory in which all the code will be created

Step 19: Below is the Output you need to obtain

Step 20: Right Click on Project Name > Check in Pending Changes

                This will commit changes on TFS Server > Note commands if required and say Check In

Step 21: below Steps are required only if Database is already created in SQL Server 2008 / SQL Server 2008 R2

Step 21.A: Go to Solution Explorer > Right Click on Project Name > Import Database Objects & Settings

Step 21.B: Select New Connection > Enter Details to connect to database

Step 21.C: Change the options to import (if required) > Start

Step 21.D: Import data > Finish

                This will import all the Table Scripts, Stored Procedures, Views, Triggers from the database connected.

Step 21.E: Following should be the structure shown of your database

Step 21.F: Right Click Project > Check In to commit changes on to TFS Server

Step 21.G: Right Click Project > Properties

Step 21.H: Select Deploy Section

Step 21.I: Change the Deploy Action to “Create a deployment script (.sql) and deploy to the database (required if database has to be deployed with the changes)

Step 21.J: Select Target Database Settings > Edit > Enter Details of Database > Ok

            Save the settings File

Step 21.K: Right Click Project > Check In

Step 21.L: Open the file in which you need to modify the scripts

Original Script: 

Modified Script:

Step 21.M: Commit your changes to TFS Server

Step 21.N: In-order to commit changes on to server database Right Click Project > Select Deploy

Step 21.O: Output Window will show all the changes committed to the database

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