Friday, November 11, 2011

Favorite keyboard actions


Ctrl + – (hyphen) Cycle through previous cursor positions

Ctrl + Shift + - Cycle in the opposite direction

                  Cycling through cursor positions is a great way to save time moving between areas you?re working on. Note that this will actually move you between files you?ve been working in, too.

Ctrl + ] Bounce to matching brace, comment, region or quote, depending on the what?s currently at the cursor.

                  This is handy way to jump between the opening and closing marks of a region, quote, or brace set. It?s also a handy way to check if you?ve got your braces properly matched. Another way of doing that would be to format the entire file with Ctrl-A, Ctrl-K, Ctrl-F, but that?s more keystrokes.

BOOKMARKS (Note these are chord key combinations)

Ctrl + K, Ctrl + K Create a bookmark

Ctrl + K, Ctrl + N Bounce to next bookmark

Ctrl + K, Ctrl + P Bounce to previous bookmark

Ctrl + K, Ctrl + L Clear all bookmarks

                    Bookmarks work much like the cursor marks discussed above, but you?re able to control exactly where you want to bounce back and forth between.


Ctrl + G Go to line number (turn on line numbering via Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> Select your editor -> Display -> Line Numbers)

I use this all the time in Vim since it’s a quick way to jump to a spot where you know the line number, even if it’s just a few lines up on the screen. Hit Ctrl-G, type in a line number and press Enter instead of reaching for the mouse, or hitting the up arrow a bunch of times. I use it even when I’m not certain of the exact line number, but know the general region I want to hit.


Ctrl + M, Ctrl + M Collapse or expand the block you?re currently in.

Ctrl + M, Ctrl + O Collapse all blocks in the file

Ctrl + M, Ctrl + L Expand all blocks in the file

Ctrl + M, Ctrl + P Stop outlining mode. (Ctrl+M, Ctrl+O resumes)

                    I think the Stop Outline Mode is pretty useless, but I love the other commands. I like clearing off extra cruft from the screen, allowing me to focus on what I?m working in at the moment.


Ctrl + Shift + V Cycle through items copied to clipboard

                   The clipboard ring’s a terrific tool for doing mass edits. Move a number of items into the clipboard ring via any Copy or Cut command, then cycle through those items as you’re pasting away.

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