Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How to add methods to an enum in C#

The problem

In C#, enums are simple value types which just contain a bunch of constants. No other type of member can be included.

Given that C# was influenced by C and C++, this is no surprise as enums in those languages only contain constants as well. However, Java allows enums to include methods so how can we do something similar in C#? 

The solution

The answer is to use extension methods which were introduced in C# 3.0.

Here's an example where we (effectively) add some methods to a Colors enum.

using System;
public enum Colors
// extension methods for the Colors enum
public static class ColorsExtensions
    public static bool IsWhite(this Colors c)
        return c == Colors.White;
    public static bool IsRedOrBlue(this Colors c)
        return c == Colors.Red || c == Colors.Blue;
class Test
    static void Main()
        Colors c = Colors.Red;
        Console.WriteLine(c.IsWhite()); // False
        Console.WriteLine(c.IsRedOrBlue());  // True

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